Thursday, September 13, 2012

Card Submissions

A quick guide on how to make your own card:

go to

Choose a template you want to edit.

Right click and save the format card you want in a folder on your hard-drive.

Open it using "Paint" on your PC.

Or go to and get the MAC app.

Draw Away!

The pictures can be as silly or as serious as you want them.

They can be easy doodles or serious masterpieces.

Send it in to


Every card must contain:

1) The PICTURE you drew
2) The TITLE of the Card
3) The EFFECTS and/or ABILITIES of that card

Type 1 Cards (Kingdom, Strategy, Tactics) must also contain:

1) EMPIRE this card belongs to
2) The COST of the card

Type 2 Cards (General and Soldier) must also contain:

1) EMPIRE this card belongs to
2) The COST of the card
3) The STRENGTH and LIFE of that card

Nerd Facts

Dimensions should be 756 pixels wide by 1272 pixels tall
Use Unicode Arial Font
Submit JPG format

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